Tuesday, October 11, 2005

This is the title of the newest post. But it wont be when I post something else.

Once again the tiredness descends, and happy little Sammie must go to bed.

Why must it always be that I have nothing better to do when Rove is on the tv? And what the hell is Ben Lee doing???

He must be friends with Peter Helliar. That's the only excuse for participating in a skit with him on Rove...

He's a strange guy Ben Lee. The first time I saw him on tv was the infamous jumping on the desk on the Panel thing. I tried to hide. I get so embarrassed for people on tv when they make an absolutely donkey of themselves.

His music was ok around that time. Cigarettes will kill you, etc, then I heard him talking about his music in that special way of his and again felt embarrassed for him!

Then I bought "Hey you, yes you" cos I liked it. Then I saw him on the Glasshouse being a normal nice seeming human being. I wondered if perhaps he had grown up a bit by then.

Since then I have decided to appreciate his music for the niceness it has and ignore the self obsessed ramblings that come out of his mouth. He scrambles about being a bit of a music nerd and saying huge things about his music which are immensely cringeworthy. For example his little interview regarding his nomination for triplej's J Award. I had to keep turning the radio down so I wouldn't keep hearing it when they stuck it in a promo.

Despite it all I think I may buy his latest album just because it is such a happy little bunny! One day when I have some money.

Hmmm, I believe it is called "Awake is the new sleep". Right now I can relate to that.


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