Friday, January 20, 2006

The Bold And The Beautiful The Good, The Bad And The Ugly

Senator Robert Hill (the Honourable, etc) resigned today. He’s been in the senate for 25 years. Or to put it another way, for my entire life.

The real reason for my interest in this issue is that I watch politics as if it were a soap opera. Sure, it’s a dodgy low-budget affair, with mostly crap actors who have difficulty remembering their lines, but then I watched Big Brother last year when I promised myself I wasn’t going to.

I watched it too much, and now I'm sucked in because I got to know some of the characters. They are mostly the kind of people you “love to hate.” Sometimes they get their come-uppance, but mostly things keep going their way, while you scream “You idiots! He’s the one behind all the bad stuff going on and you haven’t even noticed!” before throwing your soiled copy of the Hansard at the screen in disgust.

They don’t follow the rules nearly as well as they should for a show that’s been going this long, but at least they know to stick with the same predictable formula that they had when they started. Let’s hope they don’t resort to the sort of glamour makeover that would alienate loyal viewers, ala The Bill.

They are also lacking a bit in the confusing incestuous relationships department. Sure, there was the Tony Abbott paternity thing, but it would have been so much better if Barnaby Joyce had turned out to be his son instead. Then they could have portrayed Barnaby as a rebellious child trying to step out of his father's shadow by crossing the floor. Other than that I can’t think of anything else since the whole Cheryl Kernot and Gareth Evans affair. That's pathetic. I think their writers need to work on that angle, especially if they want to get the much saught after Channel 10 demographic involved.

I can’t wait until they run out of storylines and start resorting to demonic possessions and people returning from the dead to keep people watching! Wait… have they started that already?

Go Tony Go!

My money is on him to be given the role of Defence Minister. Apparently it’s between him and Minchin. It was a bit of shoddy miscasting to have him in the role of Health Minister, I can’t believe they got away with it for this long.

I love the last line of this report about The Resignation:

“The Federal Opposition says any move to appoint him to the UN would be diplomatic prostitution.”

Now there are some writers who have got the right idea.

PS This is completely unrelated, but I just read it, so I thought I’d chuck it on the end here. I tend to do about 8 things at once while on the pooter, which goes a long way towards explaining the quality of some of my posts. It made me laugh so loudly that I got yelled at. I only hope that you, dear readers, imaginary as you may be, find it similarly heckle-inducing.

PPS It was my birthday the other day. But will anyone get this far through my post to find that out?


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