Monday, January 23, 2006


My friends are awesome. The weekend was good, but the combination of sleepiness and frustration that I am currently experiencing makes any description of events impossible. Plus I am pissed off about missing out on the Big Day Out. Best to try and pretend it never happened. Either that or I will rant about it some other time.

I am stuck on the computer, and my internet connection is as outdated as Prince Charles' taste in novelty cufflinks. Being in blogger isn't really helping things, but I had to let you know that my last post was my 50th one!

Of course now I can't remember which one it was...

Oh yeah, it was about politics. In that case it's probably best not to look. Sorry about that. Should’ve at least tried to make it something good...

So now I’ve used up a few more of the precious keystrokes that I have left. When they're all gone, RSI will take hold of my frail little wrists and it won't give them back. One day nursing homes will be filled with ex-bloggers. Their eyes vacant, their writsts swathed in bandages.

See you there kids.


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