Thursday, June 22, 2006

Raindrops keep fal- It's raining m- I can't think of an appropriate song lyric from a cool song to title this with...

It hasn't rained in such a long time. I forgot how bloody inconvenient it is. Mud and dampness and having to try and keep the dog dry so he doesn't smell like a wet dog... there are few smells worse than wet dog...

Oh dear, I'm posting in my blog about the weather! That's dangerous territory to be entering. Next I'll be saying "kids these days, they don't realise how lucky they are! In my day..."


Mini Random Junk Mosaic
  • I just bought The Grates new album, and it is very nice indeed (thanks for asking)
  • I also bought a new phone. It's got a camera and everything. Now I'm only about four years behind everyone else! How cool am I???*
  • New job is still good. Yayness for me.
  • Last night I got a sneaky preview of one of the tracks off the new Muse album. I'm getting excited already, but it's not going to be out here until next month.
  • Australia just made it through to the next round of the World Cup. There are lots of excited sports fans around today. Bloody bandwagon jumpers...
  • Do you think labelling this as a "mini" random junk mosaic made it cuter than my usual random junk mosaics?**

* Rhetorical question

** Not a rhetorical question


At 1:08 pm, Blogger kelmaree said...

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At 1:10 pm, Blogger kelmaree said...

(1st post had too many spelling mistakes)
Go those Aussies!!! im so excited !!!, I'm loving the rain (funny how im assuming that we are in the same part of Australia but it hasnt rained here in an age and now it is - so maybe we are )Its been so long , id forgotten how much i love it.

At 1:31 pm, Blogger ZanBarrage said...

Nothing like the smell of fresh rain after a long drought. The dust setlles and you can breathe again!

Thanks for your comment about my Cows!


At 12:43 pm, Blogger Newsandseduction said...

Keep on talking about weather. It is so interesting always.

At 6:04 pm, Blogger Skvid said...

Kelmaree – I’m getting very excited about watching the Socceroos play tonight! Never mind the lack of sleep, GO OSTRAYAH! Also, I’m in QLD.

Zan – Ah yes, we certainly do need the rain. I must say I like it a lot more when I’m inside looking out at it rather than actually experiencing it first hand...

Newsandseduction – Climatology isn’t really my area, but few topics of conversation are as universal as the weather. And I guess the weather in Australia could be quite interesting to someone living in another part of the world.

Sam – If Australia wins I will obviously have no problem with it at all, but if Italy wins how about if I promise to only despise you for a few hours the following day? That seems fair doesn’t it?

I'm so glad you haven't disappeared completely :)


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