Sunday, May 28, 2006

Regardez Moi! (If you want to...)

I think I need more than 6 hours sleep a night, especially if I'm doing several hours of physical labour each day. Evidence is as follows:

- I just had trouble remembering if fiend was spelt 'ie' or 'ei'. I was really stuck there for a minute. I ended up looking in the dictionary because I couldn't be bothered opening up word to run it through the spellcheck. How very retro!
- I thought I was getting sick last night, but I think I'm fighting it off. I was preoccupied with this thought for way too long, and I think I have used words about thinking too many times in this dot point.
- I should be making dinner and then going to bed, but instead I'm on the internet getting distracted by shiny things...


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