Monday, May 22, 2006

Let's take the long way home

Amazing how filled up my life seems to be all of a sudden. It’s good, but I feel like I need to pause to take a breath or something.

I think I’m going to have to consciously make time to do non-horse-related things. I don’t want to overdose on horses and get sick of them. So for this reason, this is the last time I will mention horses in here.

Well... perhaps that’s a little extreme. Perhaps I should change that to "I will severely restrict mentions of horses in here" instead, because I have a fear of being a hypocrite. This is, of course, totally ridiculous, because everyone is a hypocrite sooner or later about something. If I say "never" then I'll change my mind tomorrow.

Ok, I am too tired to make this into a proper blog entry that makes sense and stuff.

Poor little blog. How it suffers...


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