Sunday, November 13, 2005

Bizarre discovery for the day

Yeah, I know I just posted something in here that said I should go to bed, but I had such a super weird thing happen.

I put a new CD in the CD player. It was one with only 4 tracks on it, and I was sure of this as I wanted to listen to one more thing before crashing for the night, so it had to be short.

I looked at the display and it said it had 20 tracks.

I thought the CD player was malfunctioning. Opened it, yep, it was the right CD. Closed it again, still 20 tracks. Skipped through to track 5. Played it. It wasn't a song by the band I was expecting.

Opened it again, took the CD out, and there was the last CD I had played sitting innocently underneath it. Ooooooops!

So there you go! Weird huh? CD stacker!

Well that was a slightly convoluted way of letting you know that you can play a CD with another CD on top of it. May be useful for a little prank one day perhaps.

Probably only works on sleepy people such as myself though.

Now that I've written this, I've realised that it's not that interesting.

Posting it anyway!


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