Saturday, December 17, 2005

"Teach me to teach myself"

The title is from a song we used to sing in primary school. Ah memories!

I think I will discuss some things I have learnt this week. I just realised that this is a highly unoriginal thing to be doing, but I never claimed to be original. I am definitely not copying Gregor Stronach, people have been learning things a long time before he started. He is one of my favourite columnists at The Chaser, but my little list will be nothing like his angry man rantings.

1. There are 22 million blogs in existence. That is more than one for every person in Australia. I'm not sure what to think about that.

2. If Australia was a US state (which may happen if our esteemed leader gets his christmas wish) it would be the third largest.

3. I love it when public figures still use their one good photo several years/decades after it was taken. Hmmm, so far this list is things I've learnt today...

4. Australia is in the international news this week for mob violence and tourist murderers. How lovely.

5. I was completely caught by surprise by the violence in Syndey. It seems surreal that it is happening in this country, and it makes me sick to the stomach whenever I see reports of it on the news. I hope that real progress is made to ease the tensions that have apparently been brewing for ages. A resolution without anyone else getting hurt would be nice. This is a dark spot in australian history, and I hope that now it has occurred we will learn many things from it.

6. Googling for sites to link to this little list is quite time consuming. Especially when I get distracted and go off on tangents. Which is every single time.

7. Getting a new load of hay and putting it in a stupid leaky shed just before torrential rain really sucks. I hope that $400 worth of mouldy hay is NOT the end result of this little escapade. This is what happens when you belong to a community where others make decisions and then don't inform everyone of them.

8. I seem to have lost my mother's camera. I borrowed it, but I thought I gave it back. I am hoping that I just put it somewhere stupid.

9. I have just learnt why Mr Gregor Stronach stops his column at 5 things. Although I shouldn't mention him because this list has absolutely nothing to do with him...

10. Lists are better if they do not contain fill in material that has clearly been included to round out the number of points.


At 9:42 am, Anonymous Anonymous said...


feel free to mention me whenever you like... thanks for the link.

also: If it's ok with you, I'm going to 'borrow' one of the things you learnt - the 'politicians using their one good photo' line is brilliant.

if you'd prefer I didn't, feel free to email me: gregor at chaser dot com dot au



At 10:35 pm, Blogger Skvid said...

If I had known that people I mention were actually going to read this rubbish I would’ve put a bit more effort into it!

Feel free to "borrow" whatever you want Gregor.

Hmmm, so who else can I write about in here…

At 1:54 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...


I'll give you a mention somewhere along the line as well...

so yes - write more.



At 8:56 pm, Blogger Skvid said...

Aw, you even came back again! Looks like there's something in the rumour that you Chaser types are actually very nice, as well as being funny bastards...

Merry Christmas!

At 9:59 am, Anonymous Anonymous said...

yeah - it's true. we are actually nice people (mostly).

merry Xmas and a happy new year to you...

At 2:52 pm, Blogger Skvid said...

Thankyou Gregor. Happy 2006 to you too.

This kind of recurrent niceness is definitely the kind of niceness that earns you repeat mentions in this here Skvid City blog.

Not sure if that is a good thing. Make of it what you will.

At 8:11 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

u r such a crawler

At 8:51 pm, Blogger Skvid said...


Oh my poor knees!

I worship all those who leave comments on my blog. Give me a little more info and I will mention you in a similar shit-I-can't-think-of-anything-else-to-post-about kind of way...


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