Sunday, October 30, 2005

People have looked at my profile...

It's a little scary, I haven't told anyone about this blog but at least one other person has been here other than me. Woooo! (that was a ghosty/spooky noise, not an exclamation from someone who has just won a point in a tennis match or something)

Anyway, I've noticed that at this point my profile has been viewed 16 times. Now, I know that I accidentally did a few of those myself by pedantically checking back and forth when constructing the profile. But I know I didn't do it 16 times. Which leads me to the conclusion that at least one other person has been here...

I am kind of hoping that more than one person has been here, because if it is only one person then they have looked at the page a few more times than is, uh, "normal".

Of course visiting the profile page doesn't mean they've actually read any of my rubbish. They may have seen the jumble of interests I have collated there and dismissed me as being confused and undirected. Probably concluding that I am incapable of producing anything interesting. (Time will tell...damn imaginary critics!)

They may have been searching for Elliot Skvid, their long lost cousin who ran away to join the circus in 1967. As soon as they saw the "female" bit in my profile they probably left. Which I actually think was very foolish of them, as Elliot has been missing for almost 40 years now and you never know how the circus will change a person. He probably ran away because his relatives were so narrow minded about cross dressing. It was the 60's! How out of touch can you get? How can any self respecting gender illusionist reach their full potential while trapped in a family structure that harks back to the 18th century!

If Elliot's family are reading this. Perhaps he just doesn't want to be found. Ok?

Saturday, October 29, 2005

"And we'd always sing the harmonies when we'd sing along"

And now for another round of "songs that get stuck in the mind of the Skvid". I've just realised what an odd collection of crap pops into my head, so I thought I would document it further:

  • I really love the song that I've quoted in the title of this post! It's called "Middle of the Hill" and it's by Josh Pyke.
  • Johnny Young's bit from the end of Young Talent Time "Close your eyes and I'll kiss you, tomorrow I'll miss you, remember I'll always be true,etc". A comedian once made the point of how disturbing it is to think that at the end of each show he would sing that to a bunch of little kids... (I think it may have been Wil Anderson?If it was him I'm sure he didn't make the point only once...)
  • "Raindrops keep falling on my head" pops into my head whenever I am out in the rain. I'm like one of Pavlov's dogs. Further proof of how the human notion of being superior to other animals is bollocks. Poor deluded fools...
  • The theme from "Angela Anaconda", whenever a certain person (who shall retain their annonymity for the time being) goes "Shooby-dooby-doo-wup-wa"

Ok, I'll leave this topic alone again now...

Wednesday, October 26, 2005

Such a productive day

Ah, two posts in one day!!!

Although the last one was a little teeny tiny one. Wafer thin.

I wonder how many other people have odd bits of movies, songs and TV shows just popping into their head randomly as they are going about their business.

The top ones for me for the last month or so are...

  • "Don't put me back in there! It's dark in there" Probably a misquote (It's Monty Python, Eric Idle or Micheal Palin, but I can't think what it is from exactly... someone tell me!!!)
  • "I never thought that I was strange" from the Living End song which I think is called "Strange". I haven't heard it for a couple of years but it still pops into my head when I think about me and being strange at the same time.
  • "Hot fundo" from Chas Licciardello's internet dating thing from Cirque Du Chaser. No idea why that pops up in my head... I just love it I guess!
  • "A whole new world" the song from Aladdin. This one was triggered by a Trivial Pursuit question the other week.
  • "I'm supposed to write an essay on it, but I think I'm just going to stick it on the front of my car" Vyvian from the Young Ones. Also bound to be a misquote! Love that one too!
  • "Becuase he is Jeff, and there is no known cure" from Coupling.

Ok, that's more than enough of that...


People need to learn how to preefread...

Friday, October 21, 2005

I love your friends, they're all so arty

I still need to meet some more arty people. By that I mean that I want to hang out with some creative thinkers who don’t take themselves too seriously. So perhaps “arty” is the wrong word for it. “Arty” is very closely linked with plain old pretentious sometimes.

On a different note ("So", a needle pulling thread): Woohoo! We have rain! And it's even falling in the lovely places where the hay is grown. Hopefully it will continue, and we will have drought breaking levels of precipitation over summer!

Then all of the skinny horses I see around the place will have grass to eat! Apparently lots of people don’t understand that horses need extra food when the paddock they are living in is a dust bowl…

On another different note ("La", a note to follow "So"): There's been some funny stuff on the radio this week...

"Oh fiddlesticks! I've dropped my umbrella in the river!"

Love a good dandy. And that is one very fine dandy!

Tuesday, October 11, 2005

This is the title of the newest post. But it wont be when I post something else.

Once again the tiredness descends, and happy little Sammie must go to bed.

Why must it always be that I have nothing better to do when Rove is on the tv? And what the hell is Ben Lee doing???

He must be friends with Peter Helliar. That's the only excuse for participating in a skit with him on Rove...

He's a strange guy Ben Lee. The first time I saw him on tv was the infamous jumping on the desk on the Panel thing. I tried to hide. I get so embarrassed for people on tv when they make an absolutely donkey of themselves.

His music was ok around that time. Cigarettes will kill you, etc, then I heard him talking about his music in that special way of his and again felt embarrassed for him!

Then I bought "Hey you, yes you" cos I liked it. Then I saw him on the Glasshouse being a normal nice seeming human being. I wondered if perhaps he had grown up a bit by then.

Since then I have decided to appreciate his music for the niceness it has and ignore the self obsessed ramblings that come out of his mouth. He scrambles about being a bit of a music nerd and saying huge things about his music which are immensely cringeworthy. For example his little interview regarding his nomination for triplej's J Award. I had to keep turning the radio down so I wouldn't keep hearing it when they stuck it in a promo.

Despite it all I think I may buy his latest album just because it is such a happy little bunny! One day when I have some money.

Hmmm, I believe it is called "Awake is the new sleep". Right now I can relate to that.

Friday, October 07, 2005

I'm In Love With A Big Blue Blog, A Big Blue Blog Loves Me...

Will I ever get sick of making stupid puns in the titles of posts?

Only time will tell and the proportion of novelty value in here is still of ultra-bigness!

Anyway, I've been thinking about movie adaptations from books today. A random collection of my thoughts on the matter follows...

I think "the book" is pretty much always guaranteed to be better than "the film". The imagination of the reader includes things to the reader's taste. When a movie is made, the visuals are based on someone's concept of what will appeal to the audience they have in mind. Actually it follows that the audio is too, but personally I'm more aware of visual than audio. Fortunately the interior of my brain is a little different to Quentin Tarantino's...

Unless of course the audience doesn't have much imagination.

There are exceptions of course. If there's a story like "The Little Mermaid" where the original has a nasty ending, I'd much prefer the animated version with all-singing, all-dancing sea creatures and a happy (Dis-Wis) ending.

I think Hans Christen Andersen is a bit...something. I don't really know what to think. A guy writes stories about a girl who isn't happy with who she is and what she's got, and ends up dying a slow painful death after going through a slow painful transformation? Delusions of grandeur, don't get ideas above your station, etc. The animated version changed the entire moral and therefore the whole point of the story. In the end her dreams come true just because she is nice, and probably mostly because she is pretty. I think I need to find the original. Even if its just to check whether the mermaid is portrayed in a sympathetic or unsympathetic light.

I wonder who the first person was who went: "and the moral of the story is..." at the end of a fairy tale. Secretly slipping the ideas into kids heads through the story wasn't enough, they had to start spelling it out for them. Although spelling it out so blatantly may have been counter-productive.

So. What's the moral of my story? Well, like the Little Mermaid and the many directors who have failed to adapt books to the screen, don't get too carried away with big ideas.

Unless of course you've got a blog to put them in...

Actually, scratch that. Crazy ideas and big plans make life more interesting. Oh look! Once again I've neutralised my rant in the final bit! Aint life grand?

Monday, October 03, 2005

Such amazing skills

Just checking out the posting of photos and stuff :)

This little guy is a toy from a video game I used to play about 11 years ago. I am getting really old, no?

It's a little fuzzy and out of focus.

One of the cutest computer game "baddies" ever!


Fred - I was thinking about camels today.
George - One hump or two?


Yes, I do realise that playing with text and seeing what I can do in here is blatantly self indulgent.


Sunday, October 02, 2005

La la land, is where I need to be. La la land, (something something) sets me free!

So I guess I should do something else in here now it's a whole new month and everything.

I went and saw a thing with John Safran yesterday. It was very funny and entertaining. As you generally would expect when you go to see someone who works in comedy. It was supposed to be a discussion on being offensive in the arts, but it pretty much turned into “ask John a question about his TV shows’.

Probably not a bad thing really. They would have had to put some kind of arty/weighty spin on the title of the session to make it look more suitable for the festival it was a part of. Get it past those people with power who think that the arts are really serious and all of that. It was the tent with the biggest crowd. Made their numbers look good for getting funding next year perhaps??

And at this point I wonder just how boring this thing is getting. I can’t tell through my bleary eyed delirium… Sorry to anyone who has stumbled in here accidentally. I haven’t told anyone I know in the real or cyber worlds about this blog thingy yet, so if you’re visiting then you’re obviously a stranger. No stranger than some people I know though right?…Ha ha ha. Dodgy old “Dad’s joke” for you there. The depth of the hilarity is so extreme. And I really hope you can tell I'm being sarcastic. Oh Jackie McDonald, give me strength… why am I so tired at around 10 O’Clock on a Sunday evening? Must be time for sleepiness to serve its purpose by getting me to stop typing.

nighty night purple and puce puma pants purveyors!