Tuesday, May 30, 2006

100 Turkeys! Huzzah!

Meet the Australian Bush Turkey:

I almost ran over one today. My adrenaline is only just returning to the normal level.

I couldn't tell if I'd hit it or not until I looked in the rear vision mirror. It seems I was more deeply affected by the experience than the bird. It was walking along the side of the road as if nothing had happened.

Bloody wildlife! Do they not teach road safety at turkey school anymore?

I got that turkey picture from a google search for ‘bush turkey’.

I also got this:

Which is a much better picture to have in a blog, which is fabulous because...


This is my 100th Blog entry!!!

Wow huh?

Sunday, May 28, 2006

Regardez Moi! (If you want to...)

I think I need more than 6 hours sleep a night, especially if I'm doing several hours of physical labour each day. Evidence is as follows:

- I just had trouble remembering if fiend was spelt 'ie' or 'ei'. I was really stuck there for a minute. I ended up looking in the dictionary because I couldn't be bothered opening up word to run it through the spellcheck. How very retro!
- I thought I was getting sick last night, but I think I'm fighting it off. I was preoccupied with this thought for way too long, and I think I have used words about thinking too many times in this dot point.
- I should be making dinner and then going to bed, but instead I'm on the internet getting distracted by shiny things...

Wednesday, May 24, 2006

Eurovision Sweet Eurovision

Where a continent comes together to celebrate crap pop music. I love it, but only because it's so bad that it's good!

Things that are guaranteed:

  • At least half the performers will dress in white
  • Songs sung in English by acts from non-english speaking countries will have bizarre lyrics
  • There will be skimpily dressed female singers dancing very carefully so they don’t pop out of their clothes
  • There will be enthusiastic dancers in weird costumes
  • Strange (and apparently symbolic) things will happen, and no-one in the audience will have any idea what is going on

    But best of all…

  • Terry Wogan’s commentary will be awesome. (“And now we have a man with serious eyebrows”) I especially loved it when he started laughing about a particular act, and couldn’t stop himself. It's great when people on TV get the giggles.

Monday, May 22, 2006

Let's take the long way home

Amazing how filled up my life seems to be all of a sudden. It’s good, but I feel like I need to pause to take a breath or something.

I think I’m going to have to consciously make time to do non-horse-related things. I don’t want to overdose on horses and get sick of them. So for this reason, this is the last time I will mention horses in here.

Well... perhaps that’s a little extreme. Perhaps I should change that to "I will severely restrict mentions of horses in here" instead, because I have a fear of being a hypocrite. This is, of course, totally ridiculous, because everyone is a hypocrite sooner or later about something. If I say "never" then I'll change my mind tomorrow.

Ok, I am too tired to make this into a proper blog entry that makes sense and stuff.

Poor little blog. How it suffers...

Wednesday, May 17, 2006

So tired that no song lyric springs to mind...

My new job is tiring me out. It’s been a long time since I’ve done physical work like this, and I think it’ll be a couple of weeks before I’m used to it again.

It’s a good kind of tired though. It’s a ‘satisfied at a job well done’ kind of tired, not a ‘mentally exhausted because I have so much to do and so little time’ kind of tired, which is what I’ve had lately.

I’ve noticed that when I get tired like this I start to injure myself in stupid ways. Nothing major, just small bumps and scratches from being careless. I’ve injured both my wrists because I haven’t bothered to lift my arm up high enough to get past things.

So I’m getting paid to mess about with horses again. There’s this great atmosphere, I love it when people are actually getting out and doing things. My boss has already encouraged me to enter for a competition that's on soon, and she’s prepared to help me out so I can get there.

She’s so nice. It’s so awesome. I’m so tired.

Saturday, May 13, 2006

"The streets are paved with diamonds and there's just so much to see!"

The next time I post I will have started my new job! I’m pretty damn excited! I'll be working for some people that I've known for quite a while, so it's not quite as scary as starting most new jobs.

I had this free session with a “Life Coach” guy this morning. Did a bit of a mind map about my career aspirations and the way I think about things. It’s one of those things that I wouldn’t normally go and do of my own accord, but it turned out to be really good.

I haven’t told my dad about the new job yet. I’m a bit worried about how he’s going to react. Not that it’ll be some dramatic issue, he’ll just be a bit “oh… I thought you were going to do something else” in a disappointed and confused voice.

I was raised by guilt fairies. They are all powerful.

My parents never deliberately put pressure on me to succeed, but the fact that they made a lot of sacrifices so that I could go to a good school kind of implies it. Dad’s always had the attitude of “you can be anything you want to be!” Which, at face value, doesn’t seem like it should be a problem at all. It’s a whole lot better than “you’re a loser, why do you even bother?” which a lot of other people have to deal with.

The fact that right now I want to do a job that someone straight out of high school could do doesn’t really fit in with his plans. In “you can be anything you want to be!” the “anything” bit refers to a nice respectable and stable job, with a healthy salary. Not physical work outdoors which is a bit more risky, and (in his mind) probably won’t lead anywhere.

I do have plans, and this job fits in with them. They even involve that degree I did a few years ago, which should please him. The problem is that I don’t want to share them with him, because he’ll immediately find the holes in it. He doesn’t do it on purpose. He’s just trying to help. Unfortunately his way of trying to help is by engaging with his fear of failure and pointing out all the ways that it could fail.

Wow, I started off all happy and positive, and now I’ve gone all self reflective and down…

Yayayayayaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay! New job!!!!!!!

Phew, that’s better.

I’ll tell dad once I’m settled in a bit I think. Yep. Avoidance. Good clean healthy response to a problem…


NEW JOB!!!!!!!!!

Tuesday, May 09, 2006

And she’ll take her mattress with her

I had a great time in little old Sydney. I am extremely tired now. I think I had a little too much fun while I was away, I’ve got that post-travel downer thing going on today. Things are great while you’re away, you’re meeting new people and doing cool things... and then you come back home and it’s exactly the same as you left it.

Actually it’s probably worse than when I left it. I just found out that undr is leaving the blog world, which really sucks to an extent that I can’t describe as well as I would like to right now. I said “oh no!” out loud when I read his blog, and my dog jumped up and ran over to me. So I said to him “undr is leaving!” and he sat down and looked at me very solemnly.

So I’m sitting here tired and melancholy, in the middle of the biggest mess I think I’ve ever lived in. I am so disorganised. My stuff is all scattered about from last minute packing indecision. All my ‘good’ clothes (the ones I don’t find completely objectionable) need to be washed so I totally have nothing to wear! (Just imagine me striking a pose typical of the kind of females that I usually get pissed off at for being shallow and pathetic... but, but, I have nothing to wear! Srsly! Do you realise how much of a big deal this is???)

I have so much stuff to catch up on tomorrow. I should really go to bed... I feel like I’m going to sleep for as long as that guy who slept for a really long time. You know the one. That sleeping guy. Was he in the Catskills or something? And he grew a beard... or something...
